The SPERO Rapport
A Nation In Transition
January 13, 2021
The events of this past week have been shocking and not, all at the same time. I’ve spent these recent days and nights grappling with the realities of who we’ve become as a nation. And – I am deeply grieved. Like many of you, I imagine, I feel weary.
Next week, our nation will watch on baited breath as Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. Deep down we may be longing for this transition of leadership to be our quick fix – our road back to sanity. But the reality is, we will still be living in our same communities, with the same neighbors, the same co-workers, the same families.
WE are the heart of this nation. The ways we choose to engage with our communities, nation, and families every day, matters. I wonder how many of us have lost sight of that?
There are so many aspects of our national crisis that I do not have control to change, but when I break the big problem down into smaller pieces, I realize there are steps within myself that I do have the power to change. Several months ago, I made a commitment to myself to refocus my purpose. Each day, I ask myself the same question: what can I do to move toward people (the same and different as me) in my circle of influence with more kindness and love? I know I will make mistakes along the way, and when I do, I will face them, learn from them, and recommit to staying engaged.
Maybe you’re also feeling overwhelmed by the challenges in front of us. Do you feel clear on your purpose – in your family, your community, your workplace? Have you identified a way you can bring positive change to your circle of influence? Will you consider joining me in trying?
We “alone cannot change the world, but [we] can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa
On this journey with you,