The SPERO Rapport


April 14, 2021​​

Courage: “that rare moment of unity between conscience, fear, and action, when something deep within us strikes the flint of love, of honor, of duty, to make the spark that fires our resolve”  -Senator John McCain.

I recently participated in the Geometry of a Leader workshop series with Youth Frontiers, and the final session focused on courage, really struck home.  As one of Spero’s Core Values, we have the opportunity to be inspired by the courage of our clients time and again.   

Transitions can be messy, unsettling – fear inducing.  We all face moments where fear sets us back or freezes us in place.  But it is often in those unsettled places, that our courage can propel us toward something different.  Courage is not the absence of fear, but the act of moving toward the fear to something new.

Navigating transition provides endless opportunities for the display of courage:  the business owner who battled the waves of COVID, the widowed parent who continues to get out of bed each morning to care for grieving children, the non-profit who stays true to the heart of their mission while fighting through many distractions of organizational growth, the adult children moving a parent into a care facility, and so many others like them.

Small acts of courage can lead to big changes, one step at a time.  What is one step of courage you can take this week?

Navigating alongside you,       

A Story of Transition


“My husband was called home to heaven after many years of struggling with cancer.  After losing him, my grief caused me to feel overwhelmed – I was spinning.  I struggled to focus. 

This time led to obstacles in keeping a daily schedule, keeping track of appointments, sorting and completing paperwork, projects, and household organization.  I was stuck.  

My son and daughter-in-law suggested I contact Spero to get help moving forward – to be able to just feel better about everything.  By reaching out for help with these things, I was able to get organized and finally had more time to spend with family and friends.  Working through all of this gained me a new friend – with moments of talking about hard emotions and also a lot of laughter. 

Recently, I found the courage to say goodbye to life in MN, and move to TN to be with my daughter and her family.  After living the majority of my adult life in MN, this was a scary and difficult decision.  Again, I asked for Spero’s help and was able to get my MN home ready, sold and moved in a few months’ time.  
Life without my husband changed so much about my life, but I am adjusting and really enjoying my own new adventure.” 

Things We’re Reading, Listening To, and Learning From:

New to Spero?

Welcome – we’re glad you’re here! Our mission is to provide hope in your transitions while leading you toward your desired organizational goals – creating space for you to thrive. We work with both small businesses/organizations and families providing services that include, but are not limited to:

    • Advocacy
    • Financial systems development and support
    • Personal organization
    • Project Management
    • Strategy and process development
    • Transition coaching and support
    • And more….