Celebrating 2020
December 29, 2020
2020 has been a year filled with difficult transitions, heartache, and crisis. And, at the same time, at Spero we’ve also experienced many moments of great joy and believe that there is so much to celebrate! I believe we will look back, and find ourselves in awe of the innovation and progress that grew from this challenging time in history.
We are choosing to celebrate the year of 2020, and want to close it out sharing 5 things we’re celebrating with you:
#1 The launch of our new name, Spero. Spero is Latin for “to hope, to believe” and represents the hope we have for our clients and ourselves as we navigate the transitions of all that this life brings – together. We celebrate that hope.
#2 Opportunities to partner with you in serving others. Through your generosity, together we were able to contribute activities and books to isolated seniors at Walker Methodist in March, and daily essentials to people in the City of Minneapolis in June. We celebrate your kindness.
#3 Linking arms with fellow entrepreneurs for weekly support, idea sharing, and innovation during our weekly Entrepreneur COVID Discussion. We celebrate resilience.
#4 Clients settling into new rhythms and new normals. We are thrilled to celebrate these monumental milestones with our clients! We celebrate thriving clients.
#5 Referral Program. Spero is expanding our capacity for new clients through our growing team! You’ve entrusted us to partner with you, and to express our gratitude we are launching a referral program. Know someone who could benefit from our services? Refer them to us and we will thank you with an opportunity for a $50 gift card to your restaurant of choice. We celebrate partnership.
Thank you for navigating the ups and downs of 2020 together with us,